Sunday, December 19, 2010

Steve Slepcevic - National Disaster Recovery Strategy to Recovery Efforts after Disasters

Steve Slepecvic is the founder and also the CEO of Paramount Disaster Recovery Inc. which is a disaster recovery company. Steve Slepcevic established Paramount Disaster Recovery in 1989. Steve Slepcevic by his hard work and a deep care for their clients made paramount a very recognized disaster recovery firm not in only US but all over the world. Paramount firm helps their clients to recover or to reconstruct from the disaster.

Steve Slepcevic has more than 20 year of experience in the disaster field. Steve Slepcevic completed his study of architectural and structural design from El Camino College. Steve Slepcevic disaster company Paramount has its headquarters in 27520 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 178, Palo Verdes, California 90274 and various branches across US. Steve Slepcevic launches three new sites for those who had roof damage and these are,, and Steve Slepcevic helps people by providing information or the necessary and the appropriate steps to refix or to recover their roof on his these three new websites.

Steve Slepcevic says that as we are not be able to stop any disaster from happening but can make themselves ready to recover or to reconstruct from it. Steve Slepcevic had completed a large number of projects of recovery from any disaster. Steve Slepcevic not only provide services only in the US but also arranged classes in different places all over the world provided by his experts to make people aware and also be able to handle the disaster or how to recover from it.

Steve Slepcevic disaster company Paramount fulfill all the industry standards like its team includes professional and skilled staff, proper resources etc also includes a 24 hour available emergency team of disaster experts that is TRAID™ which will be available to help you by a single toll free phone call at 1-888-752-3399 and also contact through Steve Slepcevic always advised to make a ‘disaster plan’ which includes what to do in case of any disaster happened. Steve Slepcevic also suggest to have a agent of your side or a expert between you and your insurance company because he can better understand the insurance terms and conditions and how much amount we have to get from insurance company because mostly insurance companies gives less claim then expected to maximize their own profit.

Steve Slepcevic is also an active member of Building Owners & Managers Association International and National Institute of Disaster Restoration.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Steve Slepcevic – Things to remember for getting a fair claim from insurance firm

Steve Slepcevic founded Paramount Disaster Recovery Inc. came in existence in 1989.Steve Slepcevic is the CEO and also the President of Paramount Disaster Recovery from last many years. Paramount Disaster Recovery is a recognized leading disaster recovery and reconstruction firm in the US and has various branches across US. Steve Slepcevic provides his disaster recovery services in the whole United States and also internationally.Steve Slepcevic has a well experienced staff, Structural Engineers who have a large experience in rebuilding a damaged property properly; more advance resources, 24 hour available emergency response crew which will be available for you on your single phone call to help you.

Paramount Disaster Recovery Inc. founded by Steve Slepcevic provides facilities like repairing or reconstruction of your roof damage, water extraction from your building, repair if your building shrinks and any service you required in any disaster. Steve Slepcevic tries to help you fully in terms of providing you maximum claims and also tries that you can maximum recover from any disaster. Steve Slepcevic has finished his major projects of large hotels, hospitals, large buildings and apartments Commercial buildings, Residential etc all over US and also internationally.

Steve Slepcevic also has a contractor license and he studied his architectural and structural design in EI Camino College. Everyone who ever made a claim to his insurance firm knows the difficulties or the problems associated with it , when they do not getting a fair claim from the insurance company. Generally there are many insurance companies which are under investigation by insurance department because of not giving fair insurance claims to their clients or their very late responses to them and so paying huge fines. Most of the insurance companies are known for their bad image of taking more and more profit of storm victims.

A disaster can happen any time and can cause a limitless destruction. So Steve Slepcevic suggests few points that every property owner should have to notice those when facing any disaster:

1) Steve Slepcevic says first of all you should have to inform your insurance agent and file insurance claim of the disaster. Also take the copy of your claim file which is submitted by your insurance agent as your claim filling confirmation.

2) Protect your property from further damage. Take more and more photo, video of your damaged property. Prevent the damaged roof or take appropriate steps to avoid or to minimize further damages. Shift your personal expensive properties to a safe site.

3) You should have to set a team in your company and it is able to deal with the disaster and you must be sure that this team is most trustful people.

4) Properly study the insurance policy and don’t let it as a responsibility of others. The insurance agent writes the insurance policy and you cannot negotiate its any condition when you are purchasing it.

5) Try to increase control over the situation. This is of your benefit not of company’s. The insurance company says you to prepare and describe your claim. The insurance company says this and still provides an insurance agent. This is because the agent works in the company’s direction and will make you agree with the company’s insurance calculations.

6) Take help of your personal or professional expert like may be a Contractor, Engineer etc because they better than us that how to deal with an insurance firm. The insurance agent advice you to his own expert because he takes more importance to the company’s profit.

7) Demand that a big amount check to issue by the company before the agent first visit to your destructive site.

8) Always be clear that who agent is of whom. Because if the agent is from the agent side he always give preferences to the company’s benefits and not of yours. So always be careful about the agent.

9) Always remember that insurance claim is a field of specialization. Your own agent may be sometimes can say that he is not specialized in claim’s matter. His job is to make a better communication possible between you and your insurance’s company.

10) And at last Steve Slepcevic says make sure you have good claim consultant having an expert’s team. Your consultant team should have good experience and also qualified and standard license they have.

Steve Slepcevic is also the founder of Paramount Disaster Recovery Inc. We cannot stop any disaster from happening but can prepare ourselves how to recover themselves from any disaster effects. Steve Slepcevic’s main aim is to aware people how to make themselves prepare and can survive any disaster so for this purpose he provides classes in different parts of US. Steve Slepcevic also recommends, ”to make a disaster plan always, so we can recover from it”.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Paramount Disaster Recovery - Management Guide and Approach For Business & Industry to Minimize Disaster Effect

Paramount Disaster Recovery is a leading nationwide disaster response, reconstruction and recovery company in the USA. Some past’s undesirable and unfortunate conditions were the main reasons for the formation of the Disaster Response Industry. The same factors are responsible for the Insurance companies. Steve Slepcevic was the founder of the Paramount Disaster Response Recovery and also serves as a President and the CEO of Paramount Disaster Recovery. By the diligence that he served to their clients, Steve make the Paramount as a leading and most recognized disaster response and reconstruction company in the United State. Steve founded paramount in the year 1989 which is a most recognized disaster recovery company in US. Steve Slepcevic has completed many projects of big hotels, hospitals, apartments and many commercial and residential building all across United State and worldwide.

Paramount Disaster Recovery launches three new websites for building owners for the Roof Damage Claims which includes Calshake roofs and for Cemwood Roofs viz. ,,, and Paramount Disaster Recovery is being so helping to individuals and business so that to recover from the effects of natural disasters since 1989. As if any undesirable or any wanted activity occurs that cause a wide spread destruction or any disaster, then we need to recover from that disaster’ effect and we need a true and a best Disaster Recovery Company. For helping people to recover and to reconstruct their loss the Paramount Disaster Recovery Inc is being proving a best recovery or reconstruction services provider company since 1989.

The Scientist who studied about global warming stated a few disasters in the years ahead. Steve Slepcivic says “As we can’t stop the natural disasters from occurring but can prepare better themselves to survive and recover from disaster situations. Paramount’s headquarters located at 27520 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 178, Palo Verdes, California 90274 and many offices all across US. Nationally, Paramount has completed its 2000 recovery projects, since 1989. Paramount’s team includes certification of having Industrial Standards, licensed Contractors and experienced Architects and Engineers and they are capable of finding the reasons of the structural or domestic disaster and able to give us a better recovery services to recover from the disasters effect.

Steve Slepcevic recommends a few simple steps but important steps that we have to consider that help us to minimize or to avoid the causes of the domestic disasters. It includes a proper and periodic roof inspection, clearing of gutters, drains, scuppers, chimneys, water heaters to avoid roof collapse before any mishappening occurs. Paramount provides services in all fifty states. It has the capability to mobilize the resources all across the country to frequently meet the demands for the storm damage restoration services as soon as possible. Paramount Disaster Company is a reconstruction or a recovery company which is specialized in storm damage. It provides services for restoration for commercial, residential and industrial properties get affected due to storms.

Hurricane victims can contact to Paramount Disaster Recovery Company at any time in 24 hours a day on the toll free number 1-888-752-3399 and also contact at Many company owners and residential owners are relied on Paramount Disaster Recovery Inc. since 1989 for their any storm disaster damage recovery and reconstruction across whole United States.

Sleve Slepcevic says”The key to survive any disaster is the prepreparation of a Family Communication Plan “. In this plan make a list of which to contact in case of any emergency and the ways to do so plus a 5-day disaster survival kit for their vehicle with food, water and necessary things which are helpful in emergency, each family member should have this. There should be an emergency phone number to left messages there for every 4-8 hours as needed. Additionally always include a location outside the city limits to their Emergency Plan in case of any disaster.

Paramount Disaster provides classes all across United States with their Experts so as to prepare people themselves to recover and also to respond according to the disaster and can take appropriate steps. The Disaster Preparedness Submit that is provides public disaster Awareness events nationally and provides facility for booked it by private education events or for large commercial companies.

Steve Slepcevic always recommends to make a “Disaster Plan” to deal with a disaster so that we can recover or reconstruct from the disaster’s effect. Mostly people have their Insurance policies and think that their Insurance Company will take care of them but Insurance Company is totally different from a Disaster Recovery Plan. The last thing is like that as you are standing in your home and arguing with your insurance provider for what he pays for and for what he does not pay for. Steve recommends that when you are claiming for any damage then it is worthy to take help of a professional because he can understand the insurance language better than us and getting help in documenting will significantly improve our settlements with insurance company and fasten the claiming procedure.

Paramount Recovery’s headquarter is in Southern California and also operated throughout the whole world. Paramount Disaster Recovery has its own Emergency Response Team that is Paramount’s Team TRAID™ for any emergency, for any response or for any reconstruction due to the occurrence of any disaster for 24 hours services providing Emergency team in the whole nation.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Steve Slepcevic – Better Preparation helps to Fight against Disaster

A disaster is any occurrence of unwanted or undesirable activity causing widespread destruction and distress. So, as it causes a huge destruction we need to recover from the disasters. There were emergencies, disasters and undesirable conditions that make the disaster recovery industry in existence. Now there are many disaster recovery policies or companies. According to scientists who study global warming, these are just a few of the natural disasters predicted in the years ahead. While we may not be able to stop disasters from occurring, disaster recovery expert “Steve Slepcevic” says better preparation will help us survive and recover.

Steve Slepcevic is the president and founder of Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc., a leading nationwide disaster response and recovery contracting company. Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc. founded by Steve Slepcevic in year 1989, headquarters located at 27520 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 178, Palo Verdes, California 90274. Paramount has various offices located across United States. Since 1989, Paramount has completed over 2,000 disaster restoration projects nationally. Steve Slepcevic’s company Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc’s team includes licensed contractors, a capable staff of providing better construction management services, good certification standards, structural engineers, and architects who have experience in identify the structural and hazardous material problems that can make insurance claim. Paramount Disaster Recovery Inc. funded by Steve Slepcevic has a deep hand in natural disaster handling. Paramount Disaster Recovery is very popular in United States, gets a lot of satisfied clients and known for having the best construction solutions.

Steve Slepcevic recommends a few simple steps to avoid or can minimize the possibility of domestic disaster. It includes a periodic roof inspection and the clearing of scuppers and gutters to avoid roof collapse before winter approaches. According to Paramount Disaster Recovery survey "There are over 3,000 roof collapses each year in the U.S., resulting in over 20 deaths and a widespread disruption of many business operations".

Monday, October 18, 2010

Paramount Disaster Recovery: Damage Restoration and Remodeling Services

Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc. founded by Steve Slepcevic in year 1989, headquarter located at 27520 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 178, Palo Verdes, California 90274. Paramount has various offices located across United States. Steve Slepcevic has a pool of disaster recovery experts to take rapid action against disasters (like: tornado, tsunami, hurricane, wild fire etc.). Paramount has strong experience gained from last 20 years in the field of disaster recovery. In these 20 years of experience, Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc. has acquired a professional consulting staff with the ability and capability to provide better construction management services to their clients. It’s very popular in United States, gets a lot of satisfied clients and known for having the best construction solutions.

Paramount emergency response team is ready 24 hours a day or 7 days a week to react swiftly the emergency situation, if any. Rapid action helps the paramount to instantly handle the emergency situation and minimize the losses or further damage. Paramount emergency response teams are ready to tackle the emergency needs.

Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc. is a licensed, insured general contractor. It maintains a highly skilled emergency response team to work through out the United States. Paramount provides the various services like building shrink wrap, mold abatement site, content restoration, site cleanup and roof tapping. Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc has emergency response team of forensic building experts, insurance coverage attorneys, and structural engineers. All these team works together for your claim. Paramount disaster recovery, Inc. works completely for you to protect the assets/property by designing a report with full documentation. This report includes all the costs required to repair the damages to property as well as contents. Paramount also has a key to move emergency response and claims management process to complete restoration according to the demand of clients. Paramount Disaster Recovery provides insurance claim inquiry services on single call at 1-800-798-5025.

* Emergency Service Response Team
Disaster may strikes anytime so rapid action is required to minimize the further damage. Paramount’s emergency response team always prepared to take action/react rapidly and provide feedback immediately to clients.
• Worldwide 24 hours 7 days-a-week capability
• Emergency response team to mitigate further damage
• Relocation and recovery services

* Construction Consulting Team
Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc. provides professionals in construction management, engineering and general contracting. Paramount’s construction professionals contribute their immense knowledge as an individual or as a member of project team to oversee the construction process.
• Prepare property damage scope & cost of repair report
• Critical path analysis: remediation, construction and restoration
• Architects, engineers, hygienists and construction analysis

* General Construction Service Team
Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc. has team of experts to repair, rebuild and fully restore your property. Paramount operates a full service construction team specializing in residential, commercial and industrial properties. Paramount has all expertise to mobilize the work force for quick restoration of damaged property. This quick action helps financial benefits to property owners.
• General contractor, specialty and subcontractor services
• Remediation, construction and restoration professionals
• Industry best quality of workmanship warranty

Friday, September 10, 2010

Paramount Disaster Recovery – Business Risk Judgment and Restore Properties when Disaster Occur

Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc. constituted by Steve Slepcevic providing Disaster Recovery Services like Emergency Response Services and Risk Management Services since 1989. Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc is located in, Rolling Hills Estates, California (US). Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc. provides Business Continuity Services and minimizing properties loss. Paramount helps the clients to save business from further damage as the disaster occur. The services are designed by using best effort and experts for improving performance. This action helps them to fight against disaster. Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc has satisfied clients, situated across the Globe by providing disaster recovery services as company’s primary motive is the customer satisfaction.

Some of the Natural Disasters like Hurricane Andrew, Katrina, and the international wildfires may attack anytime but mostly don’t know how to receive a fair claim payment from their insurance companies. Today insurance companies have a good trend of collecting premiums, but not paying for claims. By doing this they tend to lose the policyholders claims. Steve Slepcevic, Paramount Disaster Recovery Inc helps persons or clients who are facing from the insurance companies influence. It is not an easy work for Steve Slepcevic (Paramount Disaster Recovery) and his teams of experts, but their passion help the property owners that are looking towards to recover or renew their lives after a natural disaster. Steve Slepcevic and expert teams come on the way to try to make a big difference. Sometimes the insurance companies take action against people who help for come throughout from disaster with lawsuits and attempting. Steve Slepcevic (Paramount Disaster Recovery) concentrates his business on restoring, reconstructing homes, businesses directly and exclusively for the property owners as the natural disasters occurs.

Disasters always happen without any notice. Steve Slepcevic Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc. provides three teams to work against disaster at any place. One of them is Emergency Response Team which is available 24 hours in a day. This team provides services when fire damage, roof shrink wrap, water extraction, flood, earthquake is coming at any place. This team works with structural shoring engineers, hazardous material testing and remediation. Second, Construction Consulting Team which includes services like design and cost analysis, bid analysis help to protect people from disaster. And the third team is Paramount Consulting Team which include major retail centers, hospitality and restaurants, churches, schools and conference centers, commercial high-rise and multi-level office buildings, factories and industrial complexes, homes and large multi-family communities after any disaster.

Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc provides additional Recovery Support Scheme because each project is different from another. Additional services are essential to aid a client through the whole recovery process. Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc. has a unit of consulting, support and referral services in the industry, including building and specialty contractor services. The other service teams include waterproofing consultants, civil engineers, interior designers, information system specialists, relocation services and public adjuster. Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc. has the technical experts and proven experience to provide clients complete and successful recovery. Paramount’s clients know they are in the best of care when it matters most.

Steve Slepcevic, Paramount Disaster Recovery’s Business Continuity Planning techniques change the existing business continuity plans and procedures as the disaster occur but the work will not interrupt. By judge business risk and effect of potential emergencies on business after disaster, Steve’s team can develop business unit management plans and procedures. Paramount's TeamTRIAD™ and its consultants conduct a business risk judgment to prioritize those business functions that require an emergency management plan. When any business face an emergency situation, Paramount's TeamTRIAD™ has a good hand to effectively implement disaster recovery plan.

Steve Slepcevic, Paramount Disaster Recovery says 10 tips when you suffer from any disaster. It is important what to do when disaster comes:-

1. Tell your insurance agent for a copy of the claim form for checking that it is as submitted by him as you write on the claim filing.

2. Protect your property for further damage and take a snap shoot or video.

3. Make a team of faithful persons within your company to deal with the loss.

4. The insurance policy will be flexible for the company and adjusting the loss.
5. Always control on the situation after disaster. After disaster there is loss of you, not any loss for the company. You must be known about all the insurance claims process.

6. After disaster you require an architect, engineer, equipment expert, general contractor for getting the relief from disaster. Make confirm that they know how to deal with insurance companies.

7. Do not hesitate to ask for money since it is yours! On the first meeting with your agent demand the first check for the company.

8. Always be aware with the person who is your adjuster for insurance. Always remember that the adjusters are honest for the company not for you.

9. There will be good communication b/w the insurance company and you. It is an important field to confirm the insurance claim.

10. Carry a claims advisor when your agent is preparing the claim.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Paramount Disaster Recovery Roof Consultants Launches Three New Web Sites to Assist Homeowners with Roof Damage Insurance Claims, Including Calshake

Now that the rainy season has ended many homeowners and building owners are looking to make roof repairs. Unfortunately most of them will end up paying far more for those repairs than they should because they don’t understand the roof damage insurance claim process. Homeowners can save themselves a great deal of money and countless headaches by using a roof consultant firm, such as Paramount Disaster Recovery Inc. to handle the entire roof damage insurance claim process

Insurance companies are looking to limit or deny payout on roof damage claims. Many causes of roof damage, including foot traffic, high winds, and hail among others, are covered by most insurance policies. However, many of these legitimate claims are rejected or only partially paid for by the home owners insurance company because of poor documentation or incomplete roof inspection. That is where a roof consultant can end up saving the homeowner hundreds of thousands of dollars in roof repair costs.

One recent Paramount client was initially awarded a $1500 claim to patch their roof that had been damaged by high winds. After Paramount had a chance to access the total damage it was discovered that the roof patch that the insurance company had recommended was an inadequate solution and had in fact led to mold growth within the structure.

Steve Slepcevic’s team of insurance claim consultants re-filed the claim documenting the original damage along with the additional mold damage and won a settlement of $380,000 for the client. This paid for the mold removal and a complete roof replacement. Without the help of Paramount roof consultants the client would have had to pay those costs completely out of his own pocket.

For a homeowner, commercial building owner, even Homeowners Associations the roof damage insurance claim process can be an overwhelming experience. In order to make the process easier Paramount is launching three new web sites,,, and Roof consultants can save property owners hundreds of thousands of dollars and countless headaches. Now Paramount has made the process even easier with three new web sites designed to provide the information and resources needed to get your roof fixed right.

About Paramount Disaster Recovery Inc.:

Since 1989 Paramount Disaster Recovery has been helping individual homeowners, business owners, and homeowner associations (HOA) with their roof repair needs, including roof consultants, insurance claim consultants, and roofing contractors. Paramount is a proud member of the Building Owners & Managers Association International, the Community Associations Institute, and the National Institute of Disaster Restoration.


Steve Slepcevic


Paramount Disaster Recovery Inc.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Paramount Disaster Recovery - Additional Recovery Support Services

Because every project is unique, additional services are often necessary to assist a client through the entire recovery process. Steve Slepcevic founded Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc. has the most comprehensive array of consulting, support and referral services in the industry, including:
• Building and specialty contractor services
• Roofing and waterproofing consultants
• Structural and civil engineers
• Architect and interior designers
• Mold and asbestos testing facilities
• Data recovery and information system specialists
• Electronics and essential equipment salvage
• Book and document reclamation
• Pack-out and relocation services
• Public Adjuster and Attorney Referrals

Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc. has the technical expertise and proven experience to provide clients with the resources to make a complete and successful recovery. Paramount far exceeds our clients’ expectations and our clients know they are in the best of care when it matters most.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Paramount Disaster Recovery - The Final Phase of Disaster Recovery

Paramount's Construction Management Team--
Paramount Disaster Recovery has the experience and team of experts to manage your general contractor, specialty and subcontractor crews. Paramount’s Construction Management Team will oversee the repair, rebuild and ensure that all specifications as outlined per the architect and engineer are followed and that all steps are followed to meet or exceed the current uniform building codes! Steve Slepcevic founded Paramount Disaster Recovery operates a construction management team that has over 20 years in residential, commercial and industrial properties. Steve Slepcevic says our reputation has drawn some of America’s finest engineers, architects and estimators to offer their expertise and unique skills to our clients. Paramount Disaster Recovery has the resources and capabilities to immediately respond to damaged property worldwide. This timely response has proven to be financially beneficial to property owners and insurance companies.

Paramount consulting projects have included--

• Major retail centers, hospitality and restaurants
• Churches, schools and conference centers
• Commercial high-rise and multi-level office buildings
• Factories and industrial complexes
• Homes and large multi-family communities

Friday, August 6, 2010

Paramount Disaster Recovery - Construction Consulting Team

Construction Consulting Team-
Steve Slepcevic founded Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc. provides your project with professionals in construction management, general contracting, engineering and architecture. Our professional consulting staff contribute their extensive knowledge, background and sophisticated understanding either as an independent consultant prior to construction or a as member of your project team to oversee the construction process.
With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc. has developed a professional consulting staff with the capability to provide your project with a full range of professional construction management services.

Construction Consulting Included--

• Design and cost analysis
• Bid analysis and comparison
• Scope of services and deliverables
• Project management and construction scheduling
• Subcontractor sequencing and progress reviews
• Project delay recovery
Insurance carriers, independent adjusters, public adjusters, lawyers, and accountants who serve them have turned to Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc. to provide expert analysis and opinion in the areas of construction and related contract litigation. Steve Slepcevic says our professional construction staff provides expert evaluations, recommendations and reports to attorneys and public adjusters who are seeking to review project performance or negotiate realistic resolutions before, during or after construction process. We have acted as expert witness and assisted in preparing expert exhibits when our unique insight has been sought to mitigate construction delays and resolve contract disputes.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Paramount Disaster Recovery - Delivering Peace of Mind to Protect Your Investment

With over 20 years of service to the insurance disaster recovery industry, Steve Slepcevic founded Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc., has been providing consulting services and understands that it is not just about saving money, it is about expediting the insurance claims process, restoring the damaged property, serving the insured, and reducing business interruption. That’s why we offer a menu of consulting services that address the property and business owner’s needs for response and recovery

Our client base includes a wide variety of insurance carriers, independent adjusters, public adjusters, lawyers, and accountants who serve them.

Property and business owners worldwide have relied on Paramount Disaster Recovery for all their property damage recovery needs. Paramount provides its clients with a proven solution. It is the most comprehensive package of disaster recovery consulting services in the industry, specifically designed to safeguard your property — when disasters occur.
Emergency Response Team--
Disasters happen anytime, anywhere, and usually without notice. That’s why Steve Slepcevic (Paramount Disaster Recovery) has assembled our Emergency Response Team. We are ready 24-hours a day, 365 days a year to react swiftly to any emergency — worldwide. Rapid on-site response allows us to assess and initiate appropriate mitigation protocol procedures. Reaction time can be the crucial difference in preventing further damage to your property or possessions. Paramount Disaster Recovery can assist in minimizing the disruption to your property or business and limits your financial loss.
When disaster strikes, call our 24-hour Emergency Response Center toll free at 800-798-5025. A Paramount emergency response consultant will answer your questions, review all options and recommend a plan of action. We will then immediately dispatch an emergency service response team to your location. Steve Slepcevic's “24-Hour Emergency Response Team” will provide the critical supervision needed when every second counts.
Emergency Response Team Oversees--

• Fire damage, board-up, temporary fencing, smoke removal and clean-up
• Roof shrink wrap / water extraction / flood clean-up, drying equipment
• Earthquake and structural shoring engineers
• Hazardous material testing and remediation
• System integration reconstruction
• Content cleaning and replacement
• Relocation and property security services

Friday, July 30, 2010

Disaster Recovery Expert Team

Established in 1989, Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc. has More Than 21 years experience in Disaster Recovery, Risk Management, Recovery Support Services. Provide Construction Consulting Services, Business Continuity Planning Services and general construction services to clients throughout Across the Globe. Enabling clients to save your property from further damage and limit your financial losses as soon as possible. The company provides businesses with a professional emergency response team. Using best efforts and expert workforce, the services are designed to minimize the losses and improve performance.

Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc has a satisfied network of clients, located Across the Globe, including number of large clientele. Customer satisfaction is our company main motive. Steve Slepcevic serves as its president and chief executive officer, who has been focusing on the Disaster Recovery and Emergency Response Services for last 21 years. Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc is based in Hawthorne Blvd Ste 176, Rolling Hills Estates, California.

With over 2000 full time staff members, Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc. has an expanding workforce, highly skilled Emergency Response Team, Construction Consulting Team and General Construction Service Team

Emergency Response Team-

Disasters may strike anytime, anywhere, and usually without any indication. That’s why Paramount has assembled our Emergency Response Strike Force. We are ready 24-hours a day to react swiftly to any emergency — worldwide. Rapid on-site response allows us to assess and initiate appropriate mitigation procedures. By dispatching the teams at Reaction time prevent further damage to your property Paramount minimizes the disruption to your property or business and limits your financial loss ensure the best possible results.

Construction Consulting Team-
Since, 1989 Paramount Disaster Recovery, Inc. has developed a professional consulting staff with the capability and ability to provide your project with a full range of professionals in construction management, general contracting, engineering and architecture. In the areas of construction and related contract litigation our professional construction consulting staff contributes their emerging skill and knowledge, understanding the construction process to oversee the construction process. Professional with technical and deep knowledge allows to covered up the project at time stamp or exclude the delay in the project
General Construction Service Team
Paramount Disaster Recovery Inc. has the experience and team of experts to repair, rebuild and fully restore your property to a new upgraded condition. Paramount operates a full service construction team specializing in residential, commercial and industrial properties.. This timely response has proven to be financially beneficial to property owners Paramount restoration projects have mainly included retail centers, school, churches, commercial buildings, industries, conference centers and hospitality

Call 24-hour Emergency Response Center toll free at 800-798-5025

Monday, July 19, 2010

Paramount disaster Recovery, Inc., Economy Threatens Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Agencies

In this tough economy everyone is watching their spending, trying to make that buck stretch just a little further, and insurance companies are no different. If you have ever had to make a claim, you may already be aware of the problems associated with getting what is fair. The people effected in some of the recent disasters, Hurricane Andrew, Katrina, Ike and the international wildfires, know all too well what it is like to not receive a fair claim payment from their insurance companies, you're better off believing a poker player than a insurance claims adjuster. It's never a bad idea to hire a water and fire damage restoration company to complete an independent assessment and cost estimate. Hopefully, you won't need it, but if legal action becomes necessary, it's a handy document to have in your corner. So when people like Steve Slepcevic and his team of experts (Paramount Disaster Recovery) arrive on the scene to try to make a difference, sometimes the insurance companies fight back with lawsuits and media slander attempting to scare people from seeking those professionals that are their to walk them through the disaster recovery process. Steve Slepcevic (Paramount Disaster Recovery) has focused his business on restoring and reconstructing homes and businesses directly and exclusively for the property owners after natural disasters.

For those that don't know him, Steve Slepcevic has more than 25 year’s experience in the disaster reconstruction industry that can be first traced back to his younger years when he worked for uncles that were in the industry, everything from cabinetmakers to large-scale developers.

Since 1989 Steve Slepcevic, Paramount disaster Recovery has completed several thousand projects with the goal of getting their clients fully restored and rebuilt through the client’s insurance companies. As for his passion in
helping natural disaster victims Steve Slepcevic says, “At a young age I was always troubled watching the floods and fires on TV and seeing peoples lives and homes destroyed, my thought always went to who is going to help these people rebuild their homes, businesses and restore their lives”.

Insurance companies are in a business of collecting premiums, not paying claims, and to do so they tend to undercut their policyholders claims. Thousands of complaints with state insurance departments and civil court cases show that insurance companies often pay 30-60 percent of the cost of rebuilding a damaged home. Paying less to victims of natural disasters has helped produce record profits. Even after the worst natural disaster in U.S. history, Hurricane Katrina, insurance companies reported their highest ever profit of $73 billion.

"Money managers have taken over this whole industry. Their eyes are not on people who are hurt but on the bottom line for the next quarter" says Robert Hunter insurance director at the Washington-based Consumer Federation of America, who was Texas insurance commissioner from 1993 to 1995.

In order to keep stockholders happy by continuing to make those record breaking profits insurance companies implement numerous delay tactics, from transferring claims to several adjusters to try to lower claim amounts, to using a list of "preferred" engineers, consultants, and industrial hygienists who will not perform proper testing on contaminated areas. In the end the insurance company’s adjuster has the leverage to deny or lowball the claim value.

As hard as it is for victims of natural disasters to work with the insurance companies it is even harder for those people, such as Steve Slepcevic, that are trying to help victims outside of the insurance
companies influence. It hasn’t been an easy road for Steve Slepcevic and his teams of experts, but their passion to help out property owners that are trying to rebuild their lives after a natural disaster outweighs any shady tactics the insurance companies try to use to discredit them.

“I know it may be a rough road working through the trenches hand in hand with my clients, but this is why I got in the business as a small boy sitting in his living room watching the people suffered in the
disaster devastated areas and thinking I'm going to grow up and help these people rebuild their lives, I had no idea that it would be a huge price to pay in the form of slander and lies” says Steve Slepcevic,
“the insurance carriers spend a lot of money in an attempt to keep me from teaching people what they need to do to avoid being victimized by unscrupulous contractors and insurance adjusters. Sometimes when you have something really important for people to know that somebody, somewhere in power doesn't want them to know, you're going to eventually pay a price for it.”

Steve Slepcevic and his team of certified and licensed contractors are just one of many groups out their trying to make a difference. Every time there is a win for their clients whether through one of the law
cases, complete reconstruction, such that the client receives the full value of the claim, the insurance companies just fight back harder with lawsuits, fraud complaints, slanderous articles and posts.

Unfortunately not all disaster recovery agencies are as forthcoming and upfront as Steve Slepcevic (Paramount Disaster Recovery). Like any industry when there is an opportunity to exploit people to make money there are some bad apples that take advantage of people in need, usually ruining the reputation for the actual good ones out there.

Steve Slepcevic says his final piece of advice if all else fails is to contact a lawyer that specializes in bad faith, “We recommend one of the large law firms such as Myers, Widders, Gibson, Jones and Snyder, Girardi and Keese, Kabateck Brown Kellner, Stone Rosenblatt & Cha, Thornhill Law Partners, Steven Zelig or others that take truly take bad faith actions on for the consumer”.